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Crimson Veil


Medidas en cm

42 cm (H)


Manually modeled





«Crimson Veil» is an imposing and elegant ceramic work that commands attention with its impressive size and striking marbled patterns. Standing at 42 cm tall, this piece is a testament to the georgious effect of the Nerikomi technique.
The form of «Crimson Veil» is both sleek and sophisticated, featuring a tall, cylindrical shape that tapers gently towards the top. The vessel’s smooth, elongated body exudes a sense of grace and refinement, making it a standout piece in any setting.
The color palette of «Crimson Veil» is dominated by rich red hues, which are blended with creamy whites to create a stunning marbled effect. The Nerikomi technique, a traditional Japanese method of layering and blending colored clays, is employed to perfection, resulting in intricate patterns that flow seamlessly across the surface of the vessel.

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